

도심 옛마을에 있어서 커뮤니티 공간의 특성 및 변화


The Characteristics and its Change of Community Space in the Old Settlements of Cheongju City


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study is to clarify the characteristics and its change of spatial elements for community focused on the existing 22 old settlements in urban area of Cheongju. These community spaces are mainly divided into three parts, that is central space, inner road, and blind alley(cul-de-sac). The transitional characteristics of them are as follows. Firstly, the characteristics of central spaces is lasting, but the function is influenced by changing times. The function of central spaces located at the entrance to the village had been reduced to adjustments to modern lifestyle, and currently changed into senior citizen community center, supermarket, and public area. Secondly, as the width of the existing inner roads passed through old settlements had been extended, they are changed into pedestrian and traffic road, but the shape and function of them have been maintained. When new roads passed through old settlements had been established, the shape of old inner roads is disappeared, and the function of them is changed into byway and alley. Thirdly, cul-de-sacs of old settlements have tended to create a sense of community, but new cul-de-sacs formed by lot division have been only changed to passage. When new roads are established and cul-de-sacs are changed into alleys, the community between individual households is lost.


 1. 서론
 2. 마을의 중심공간
  2.1 입지상 특성
  2.2 기능적 특성
  2.3 입지 및 기능의 변화
 3. 마을 안길
  3.1 유형분류 및 특성
  3.2 기능적 특성
  3.3 형상 및 기능의 변화
 4. 마을 내 막다른 골목
  4.1 유형분류 및 특성
  4.2 기능적 특성
  4.3 유형 및 기능의 변화
 5. 결론


  • 김태영 Kim, Tai-Young. 정회원, 청주대학교 건축학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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