

Cloud AEHS : Advanced learning system using user preferences




E-learning is a useful method which can support effective learning processes by utilizing various learning materials developed by teachers or developers. Moreover, recently, cloud computing technology has been applied to learning systems. Despite technical advances, most learning systems focus on high learning performance. For this purpose, the AEHS (adaptive education hypermedia system) has been introduced. AEHS analyzes learners’ learning patterns and their learning processes and, according to the analyzed learning performance, the system identifies the most appropriate process for each learner. But, in AEHS, it is difficult for learners to choose learning content fitted for their preference or learning ability. It still lacks the potential for the learner to select learning content. In this paper, we propose cloud-computing-based AEHS that enables a learner's preference. The preference can be decided by the learner's study level, learning unit difficulty and learning performance. In order to incorporate existing technology, the proposed system was connected to an LMS (learning management system) and an LCMS (learning contents management system). An LMS performs the interaction between learner/instructor and learning system, and administers the data of the learning course, documentation, tracking, and the reporting of training programs. An LCMS focuses on the management and publishing of the content that will typically be delivered via an LMS.




  • Jungsun (Sunny) Kim William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 4505 Maryland Parkway, Box 456023, BEH 557, Las Vegas, NV 89154-6023 USA
  • Jeuongwoo Byun Dept. of Hotel Management, Kyung Hee University
  • Hwayoung Jeong Humanitas College, Kyung Hee University


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