

Cloud-Empowered Multimedia Service: An Automatic Video Storytelling Tool



Video storytelling has become a popular technology to let users design and plan their films. As the development of multimedia devices and network, more and more people will share their productions on the Internet. This approach is not only used in movie industry, but e-learning, digital archive and art. With the development of cloud computing, it can provide various computing and storage services over the Internet. Instead of using 3-D model generation system, we proposed a system composed of several video technologies to let teachers plan materials with existing avatars and scene from the cloud data base in this paper. Users can design the background by cloud panorama generation at first. Then, drug a trajectory line on the scene. The authoring tool will select an avatar from the database and make it with several kinds of behaviors. Users can select several behaviors during the motion trajectory; our tool will search the most suitable avatar and insert it into the panorama. This tool equips with special functions to integrate different motion tracks for the generation of video narratives is also presented in this paper.


  A. Object Tracking and Extracting
  B. Object Removal and Panorama Generation
  A. Avatar Size Adjustment and Motion Interpolation/Extrapolation
  B. Motion Track and Video Planning


  • Joseph C. Tsai Foundation of Computer Science Lab. The University of Aizu Fukushima-ken, Japan
  • Neil Y. Yen School of Computer Science and Engineerinig The University of Aizu Fukushima-ken, Japan


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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