

Liturgical Encounter - A Comparison among the Celebration of All Saints, Ancestor Worship, and Chudo Yebae -


Ahn, Deok Weon

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, the writer deals with the ceremonial, pastoral, and theological dimensions of ancestor worship service and Chudo Yebae in the Protestant churches of Korea, comparing them with the celebration of All Saints. This paper does not include an analysis of the entire history of ancestor worship in Korea, and that of All Saints. Rather, the writer briefly sketches the meaning and significance of those rituals. Thus, the purpose for writing this research paper is to analyze, combine, and distinguish an understanding of the perspective in ancestors and the ways of performing ancestor worship and the celebration of the All Saints from Korean perspective. In the first chapter, the origin, history, and pastoral, theological meaning of All Saints’ Day are described. In the second part, the writer introduces the traditional Korean ritual, ancestor worship, for the dead. In the last section, a brief comparison among Chudo Yabae with All Saints’ Day and ancestor veneration is presented to find similarities and differences among the rituals. The writer deals with how they are related to each other in liturgy and theology. Their ritual elements are varied but they intersect in many ways in terms of theme and spirit of service. Honoring the departed is an idea they have in common. Unity among members of the community is highly emphasized. Though the comparison three different traditions, significant liturgical encounters are found in terms of inculturation. In this sense, Chudo Yabae could be regarded as a very effective model of inculturation of liturgy based on its motif of the theology of resurrection.


I. Introduction
 I. The Celebration of All Saints
  A. Origin and Development
  B. All Saints’ Day in Christianity
  C. Pastoral and Theological Dimension
 II. Traditional Ancestor Worship
 III. Liturgical Encounter: A Comparison among the Celebration of All Saints, Ancestor Worship, and Chudo Yebae)
  A. Chudo Yebae in the Korean Protestant Church
  B. Liturgical and Theological Encounter
 IV. Conclusion


  • Ahn, Deok Weon Professor of Torch Trinity Graduate University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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