Foreign language learning is a complex process including a variety of factors to succeed in it. Traditionally TEFL has mainly dealt with two facets of the language learning--behavioral and cognitive domains--neglecting affective factors such as motivation, self-esteem, anxiety, etc.. Foreign language teachers have to concerned with their student's wholeness and different emotional needs as human beings. Especially the affective factors are more important in adult foreing language learning than in any other learning environment. Too much emphasis only on behavioral and cognitive theories of language learning, excluding a role of affectivity, will not fully accomplish the task of mastering foreign languages indispensable to global commication in the future. In this study I try to make English teachers recognize the importance of affective factors in their classes and introduce teaching methods concerned with the factors. Careful, systematic study of the role of affectivity in foreign language learning will surely lead to a greater understanding of the language learning process and to improved language teaching methods.
2. 정의적 요인의 개념
3. 정의적 요인의 종류
A. 언어 자아
B. 불안 (Anxiety)
C. 동기 (Motivation)
D. 자아존중 (Self-esteem)
E. 억제 (Inhibition)
F. 태도 (Attitude)
H. 감정이입 (Empathy)
I. 모험 무릅쓰기 (risk-taking)
4. 정의적 요인을 이용한 교수법
A. 인본주의적 언어 학습 (Humanistic Language Learning)
B. 공동체 언어 학습 (Community Language Learning)
C. 암시 교수법 (Suggestopedia)
D. 융합적 교수법 (Confleunt Approach)
5. 결 론
인용 문헌