

중학생의 분노, 우울과 자살생각에 관한 예측모형


Construction of a Structural Model about Middle School Students' Anger, Depression, and Suicidal Ideation

이종은, 최동원, 임정혜

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Purpose: This study was done to construct and test a structural model to explain factors associated with middle school students’ suicidal ideation focusing on mediating effects of anger and depression Methods: Data was collected by questionnaires from 349 students selected randomly in 11 middle schools in D city. The data were analyzed using PASW 18.0(win) and AMOS 18.0(win) program. Results: Model fit indices for the hypothetical model were in good agreement with the recommended levels (CFI=.957, GFI=.945). Based on the constructed model, depression was significantly affected by anger directly, and suicidal ideation was directly influenced by depression, indirectly by anger. It was confirmed that depression turned out to be a important mediating variable on suicidal ideation and anger in middle school students. Conclusion: The results suggest that intervention strategies for dealing with anger or depression is important to reduce the suicidal ideation in middle school students. In addition, specific nursing intervention plans, including fostering of humanistic and achievement-focused educational environment, peer support programs, and individual counselling, need to be developed and implemented to control a feeling of anger and depression.


  1. 연구의 필요성
  2. 연구목적
  3. 연구의 가설적 모형
 연구내용 및 방법
  1. 연구설계
  2. 연구대상 및 표집방법
  3. 연구도구
  4. 자료분석
  1. 일반적 특성에 따른 분노, 우울, 자살생각
  2. 측정모형의 적합도 평가
  3. 연구모형의 구조방정식 결과
 결론 및 제언


  • 이종은 Jong-Eun Lee. 상지대학교 간호학과
  • 최동원 Dong-Won Choi. 수원여자대학교 간호과
  • 임정혜 Jung-Hye Lim. 진주보건대학교 간호과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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