

The Extraction of Feature Signal of All-electric Ship Electric Power System Based on Wavelet Analysis



The unit capacity of propulsion motor is greater than that of generator in all-electric ship electric system, in this high power load changes under the impact of random overload, the generator is extremely easy to have the fault causing system crashes. In this paper, a mathematical model of all-electric ship power system was established, and wavelet analysis was used to extract the feature of heavy load of power grid fault condition based on MATLAB. The simulation results prove that the simulating model of All Electric Ship Power System (AESPS) is reasonable, and by using the method wavelet analysis the feature information can be effectively extracted, which provides the basis for fault diagnosis.


 1. Introduction
 2. Modeling of AESPS
  2.1. Modeling of Generator and its Excitation System
  2.2. Modeling of AC Power Propulsion System
  2.3. Simulation Experiment of AESPS Power System
 3. Signal Feature Extraction based on Wavelet Analysis
 4. Conclusions


  • Bao Yan Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Shi Weifeng Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University
  • Zhou Zuohan Logistics Engineering College, Shanghai Maritime University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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