The rapid and widespread construction of structures calls for rigorous structural health monitoring (SHM) programs throughout the construction, operation and maintenance phases. Thus, much of a structure’s success or failure depends upon efficient SHM programs. The basic technology underlying the SHM program’s ability to detect cracks and failures can be incorporated with Wireless Sensor Network technology for more robust SHM. The agility of the WSN is, therefore, a prominent factor for a successful SHM program. Unpredictable external events, such as earthquakes or serious impacts are an inevitable fact of life. During such an event, the WSN should continue to be active and efficient enough to perform the assigned tasks without failure. The never miss an opportunity scheme (NMAOS) model, which is a prototype based on multi-agent technology, is proposed in this paper to provide agility to the Wireless Sensor Network.
1. Introduction
2. Previous Work
3. Never Miss an Opportunity Scheme (NMAOS)
3.1. Comparison Logic
4. Conclusion