

Improved Liver Function Effect Analysis of Drinking the Lacquer Beverage Using Speech Signal Analysis



The extension of healthy life expectancy as well as average life expectancy in modern societies has become a very important social issue. In particular, functional foods rather than medicines for extending the healthy life is becoming a very important issue. For this, in this paper, we will study the efficiency of drinking the lacquer beverage which is a kind of functional foods that help to improve liver function using speech signal analysis. Usually, molar pronunciation becomes clumsily according to Korean Oriental Medicine diagnosis theory if the liver function is improved. Therefore, we will investigate the change of 3 formant frequency bandwidth which is associated with a molar pronunciation through the drinking of the lacquer beverage before and after. Finally, the effectiveness of this research is demonstrated by several experiments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Efficacy of Lacquer Ingredients and Phonetic Diagnosis Theory
  2.1. Lacquer Ingredients and Efficacy
  2.2. Relations of Liver and Phonetics
 3. Application of Speech Analysis Parameter
 4. Experiments and Analysis
  4.1. Experiments and Results
  4.2. Statistical Analysis
 5. Conclusion


  • Bong-Hyun Kim Dept. of Computer Engineering, Kyungnam University, Korea
  • Dong-Uk Cho Dept. of Electronic Communications Engineering, Chungbuk Provincial University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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