

Behavioral Modeling and Simulation with Experimental Analysis of a Two Stroke Engine Using Nanosized Copper Coated Catalytic Converter



The Automobile pollution is the major source of pollution. The majority of the environmental pollution is from the two-wheeler automobiles due to their large number. A study on nano-particle reveals that the ratio of surface area of nano-particle to the volume of the nano-particle is inversely proportional to the radius of the nano-particle. So, on decreasing the radius, this ratio is increased leading to an increased rate of reaction and the concentration of the pollutants is decreased. To achieve this objective, an innovative design of catalytic converter for two-wheeler automobiles is proposed using nano-particle as a catalyst. This research paper basically deals with the behavioral modeling and simulation of two stroke engine with developed catalytic convertor. The basic idea of behavioral modeling starts from analyzing the practical behavior of two stroke engine with designed catalytic convertor, and then approximating obtained behavior in terms of mathematical equations. These obtained equations actually represent behavior of concern system. Once mathematical equations are obtained, next stage is to implementation of these equations in Simulink platform. The last process is the validation check by the simulation of developed model.


 1. Introduction
 2. Behavioral Modeling and Simulation of Two Stroke Engine and Designed Catalytic Convertor
  2.1. Behavioral Modeling of Two Stroke Engine
  2.2. Behavioral Modeling of Catalytic Convertor for Two Stroke Engine
  2.3. Simulation of Complete system and simulation Results
  2.4. Analysis of Developed Simulation Model
 3. Results and Discussion
 4. Conclusion


  • Mukesh Thakur Reader, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rungta College of Engineering & Technology, Raipur (C.G.), India
  • N. K. Saikhedkar Director and Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Raipur Institute of Technology, Raipur (C.G.), India


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