

소설과 영화의 상관성 연구


A Study on the Affinity Between the Novel and the Film.




It is by now a commonplace mass communication technology such as film and TV have generated the changes in our consciousness of the contemporary world. Film and novel are a kind of popular art depending on a mass audience or reading public to function economically and operate on the same psychological, sociological, and aesthetic principle. There exist interesting paralles and affinity between the novel and the film. Historically, a close relationship is shown from the beginning and the reciprocity manifested itself from any point of view ; in the number of films based on novels, box office receipt for filmed novels and the film-maker's search for film equivalents of literature etc. First of all the retified or spatial form of narrative is characteristic of much of fiction designated as modern. This trend begins in the latter part of nineteenth century and continues into the twentieth century and on the present day. This retified or spatial form we can call 'cinematographic' is a way of transcribing the narrative not as a story that is told but as an action or object that is portrayed and presented, and this is achieved by the visualization of the events. The Russian formalistic view-point corresponds to what the label 'cinematographic' means also. In the modem concept of time the basic element is simultaneity and its nature consists in the spatialization of the temporal element. The montage technique in terms of the new concept is the fundamental formative element in both the cinematic and novelistic narrative. Most of modem novelists employ a number of devices analogus to those used by film directors, particulary the montage technique, The writer can approximate film montage by using two basic method : one is the time-montage in which the subject remains fixed in space while his consciousness moves in time and the other is the space-montage in which time remains fixed while spatial element change. Montage can be defined as the metonymic and synicdochic combination of elements that forms a unified whole, a single image. Novelist have sought to become a camera in order to write novels to be seen instead of told. Novel and film are based on the same principle of the expressive form and way in narrative.


인 용 문 헌


  • 최만산 Man-San, Choi. 군산대학교 교수


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