

역사 서사와 경제 서정: 에즈라 파운드의 다섯번째 열 詩篇들 考


History Epic and Economy Lyric: A Noteon The Fifth Decad of Canots by Ezra Pound

역사 서사와 경제 서정: 에즈라 파운드의 다섯번째 열 시편들 고




In this paper the writer intends to read the ten cantos in The Fifth Decad of Cantos by Ezra Pound, published in 1937. The first three cantos, that is, Cantos 42, 43 and 44 are on the foundation of the Monte dei Paschi in Siena by Ferdinand 11, the Great Duke of Tuscany in the seventeenth century and on the achievement of Pietro Leopoldo, the Great Duke of Tuscany in the eighteenth century; the next two, Cantos 45 and 46 are impassioned accusations against usury; Canto 47 is on Pound/Odysseus's sailing after knowledge; Canto 48 is on good men and bad men and on the sense of loss; Canto 49, 'the seven Lakes canto, is on peace of men living in harmony with Nature; Canto 50 is descriptions of Pound's, or Zobi's heroes, Leopoldo, Washington and Napoleon; and lastly, Canto 51 is again on usury and on 'intellectus adeptus.' They are full of confusions: syntactic ellipses, omission of punctuation marks and errors and distortions in spelling and in names. They are intentional and even inevitable to give living knowledge.




  • 徐廷宅 서정택. 전북대학교 영어영문학과 교수


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