

The Effect of Expertise and Communication Effectiveness on Team Social Capital in Project



Expertise and Effective communication, despite the different backgrounds and specialties, is critical for the IS (Information Systems) development projects team to integrate knowledge from different areas. It is posited here that the team social capital raised and nurtured among team members critically mediates the effects of expertise and communication on team performance. Team social capital here is defined as an intangible asset that promotes knowledge sharing and social interaction. Expertise and Communication effectiveness is selected as a critical antecedent and its detailed relationships with the dimensions of team social capital are analyzed. Expertise has influence trust (relational dimension). Communication effectiveness positively impacted social ties (structural dimension), and shared vision (cognitive dimension). Moreover, the performance of a project is influenced by shared vision and trust, leaving social ties as a leading subcontract, as theoretically proposed in prior research.


 Theoretical research model
  Research Model
  Expertise and Social capital
  Communication Effectiveness and Social capital
  Team Social Capital
 Research Method
  Measurement Items
  Characteristics of Respondents
  Data Analysis and Results
  Measurement Model Analysis
  Structural Model Analysis
 Conclusions and Implications


  • Jun-Gi Park Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University
  • Seyoon Lee Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University
  • Jungwoo Lee Graduate School of Information, Yonsei University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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