

Original Article

The effects of ankle mobilization and active stretching on the difference of weight-bearing distribution, low back pain and flexibility in pronated-foots subjects


Ki-Seok Yoon, Seong-Doo Park

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was designed to analyze the effects mobilization and active stretching on the difference of weight-bearing distribution, low back pain, and flexibility in pronated-foot subjects. The subjects of this study were 16 chronic low back pain patients. They were randomly divided into the control and experimental group. The experimental group had used the model of ankle mobilization and calf muscle active stretching three times per week, for 4 weeks. The control group did same method without an ankle mobilization. The range of flexion and extension motion of the lumbar vertebrae and low back pain degree and difference of weight-bearing were measured before and after the experiment. The model of ankle mobilization and calf muscle stretching of pronated-foot significantly improved the range of flexion and extension motion of the vertebrae. And the visual analogue scale and distribution of weight-bearing were decreased in both of two groups. In other word, the exercise of this study showed that the model of ankle mobilization and calf muscle stretching of pronated-foot had positive effects on improving the range of flexion and extension motion of the vertebrae. The calf muscle stretching was easy and it is effective in therapy that patients by themselves and helped to recover the balance of the vertebrae to combine ankle mobilization and muscle stretching.


  Experimental subjects
  Trunk flexion test (TFT)
  Trunk extension test (TET)
  Visual analogue scale (VAS)
  Weight-bearing distribution (WBD)
  Active stretching of ankle
  The mobilization of ankle
  Data analysis
  Change made in the curve of the lumbar region
  Change made in the lumbar extension
  The effect of mobilization of the ankle joint against pronated foot and active stretching of triceps muscle has over the visual analogue scale
  Change made in the weight bearing of both lower limbsdue to the mobilization of ankle joint against pronated-foot and active stretching of triceps muscle
  The comparison between the effects of therapeutic method


  • Ki-Seok Yoon Yeolin Orthopedic Surgery, Cheonan, Korea
  • Seong-Doo Park Graduated School of Physical Therapy, Daejeon University, Daejeon, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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