

Effort Reduction of Unit Testing by Supporting CFG Generation and its Test Design




The popularity of Agile Development has been increasing over the last several years. Many Agile techniques include unit testing as a basic activity. Unit testing has two characteristics: it is performed by programmers, and it is normally based on source code structures. However, the problem arises that programmers are unlikely to design structure-based tests. Test design process draws graphs that represent structures; and applies coverage criteria these graphs. The coverage criteria concept is very important in unit testing. Support tools are required, especially by programmers performing unit testing. However, the existing tools do not cover all the steps of the process. This study develops a method that fills the gap between the graph generation and the test design step. This paper We analyzes the extent to which the method decreases the effort required for unit testing, and show that the method effectively reduces the effort. The effort is measured in ManMonths.


 1. Introduction
 2. Unit Testing Practices
 3. Test Path Generation from Source Code
  3.1. Control Flow Graph Generation
  3.2. Test Path Selection from Graph
  3.3. Example
 4. Analysis
 5. Conclusions


  • Hoijin Yoon Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hyupsung University, Gyeonggi, Korea


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