

Development of Service Verification Methodology Based on Cloud Computing Interoperability Standard



Recently, cloud computing has become an important new technology for the dissemination of information and it has spread dramatically into the corporate field. In order to provide more stable and advanced services for the future, greater interoperability has become a target for developers. In this study, we focused on four key capabilities in the search for greater interoperability: scalability, universality, continuity, and specialty. Cloud computing can only be considered interoperable to the extent that it incorporates these four issues. Assessing these issues comprises the methodology we propose to verify the interoperability of cloud computing architecture. Also, in order to effectively assess and implement the methodology described in this paper, there must be a stringent and detailed process of preparation, with regards to full implementation and institutionalization.


 1. Introduction
 2. The Concept of Cloud Computing and Interoperability
 3. Trends of Related Organizations Regarding Interoperability
 4. Capabilities for Cloud Interoperability Standardization Initiatives
 5. Conclusion


  • Kangchan Lee ETRI
  • Chulwoo Park Seoul National University
  • Hee-Dong Yang Ewha Womans University


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