

A Resource Management Mechanism of WBAN for Wireless USB Support



In this paper, an IEEE 802.15.6 wireless body area networks (WBAN) medium access control protocol is developed to support a wireless USB (WUSB) application as a protocol adaptation layer (PAL). However, current WBAN protocol still does not have well-defined QoS mapping and resource allocation mechanisms to support multimedia streams with requested QoS parameters. To solve this problem, we propose a novel Resource Management Mechanism (RMM). The proposed method provides fair and adaptive QoS provisioning to isochronous streams according to current traffic loads and their requested QoS parameters through executing a satisfaction of QoS algorithm at WUSB/WBAN host. From simulation results, it is shown that the proposed RMM method improves the efficiency of time-slot utilization while it maximizes QoS provisioning.


 1. Introduction
 2. Features of WBAN Protocol
 3. WUSB over WBAN Protocol
 4. Proposed Resource Management Mechanism
 5. Four Performance Measures
  5.1. TS capacity
  5.2. An average queuing delay during the n-th superframe
  5.3. QoS fairness
  5.4. delay tolerance
 6. Performance Evaluation
 7. Conclusion


  • Kyeong Hur Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • Won-Sung Sohn Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • Jae-Kyung Kim Dept. of Computer Education, Gyeongin National University of Education
  • YangSun Lee Dept. of Computer Engineering, Seokyeong University Seoul, Korea


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