

A Multilevel Home Security System (MHSS)



In this project, a multilevel home security system (MHSS) has been designed, developed, tested and validated. MHSS is basically a multilevel security system which consists of different sensor nodes as the input elements while the output elements react to the signal received from the input elements. The sensor nodes consist of a thief alarm, presence detecting circuit and the break-in camera. A UART is applied as the communication tool between the hardware and the computer. A graphic user interface (GUI) is developed and configured which enables the function of capturing images and sending emails. The captured images are delivered to the house owners and the police forces. The task is performed in order to prevent the thieves’ invasion.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background
  2.1. GSM/GPRS Based Security System
 3. An Overview of the Multilevel Home Security System (MHSS)
 4. System Implementation
  4.1. Electronic Circuit Design
  4.2 Microcontroller and UART
  4.3 Security System Control GUI
 5. Hardware and Circuit Testing
  5.1 System Demonstration
  5.2 Software Simulation
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Jer-Vui Lee Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Yea-Dat Chuah Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  • Chin-Tin Chai Department of Mechatronics and Biomedical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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