A Study on the User Acceptance Model of Smartphone
As network technologies evolve and so-called smart technologies appear, applications of smartphones are being applied in widespread areas. In general, the adoption of smartphones is different from the adoption of information systems. Thus, we tried to find out factors which may affect the user acceptance behavior. However, there have been some academic studies that analyzed the factors that affect user acceptance of smartphones, and their relationships. Under this academic background, we develop a model to examine how smartphones are accepted by users based on technology acceptance model. The theoretical model is validated through an online survey of smartphone users from two universities in Seoul, Korea. The results reveal that the users will have positive attitude towards adopting the smartphone when they perceive that the usage of smartphones is useful. We also find that the perceived usefulness of the smartphone is affected by the perceived ease of use and the media richness. The results also suggest that the perceived ease of use is determined by the self-efficacy whereas the intention to use smartphones is determined bv the perceived usefulness, the self-efficacy, and the attitude toward smartphnes’ usage. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.
1. 서론
2. 이론적 배경
2.1 스마트폰의 정의 및 특징
2.2 기술수용 모형
2.3 매체풍요도 이론
2.4 자아효능감
2.5 유희성
3. 연구 모형
3.1 자아효능감과 관련된 가설
3.2 매체풍요도에 대한 가설
3.3 인지된 편의성에 대한 가설
3.4 인지된 유용성에 대한 가설
3.5 유희성에 대한 가설
3.6 태도에 대한 가설
4. 연구모형의 검증
4.1 실험 설계
4.2 분석 결과
5. 결론
<부록> 설문문항