

Conflict Levels in Indian IT and Manufacturing Sectors : A Comparative Study


Aruna B. Bhat, Santosh Rangnekar, Mukesh Kumar Barua

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The present study highlights the conflict management levels in Indian manufacturing and Information Technology (IT) sectors. Nearly 110 samples from different organizations of manufacturing and IT have been collected using convenient sampling technique. Standardised scale on Organisational Conflict developed by Dhar U. and Dhar S. [2003] has been used which consists of twenty items on a four point scale. The study has shown that miscommunication at organizational level has been a reason for conflict in manufacturing organizations whereas intrinsic motivation at organizational as well as individual level has been found a reason for conflict in IT sector. The study bears implications for HR managers to develop policies and conflict management strategies so as to deal with the situations constructively at a particular level of conflict.


 1. Introduction
 2. Literature Review
 3. Study Purpose and Rationale
 4. Method
  4.1 Participants
  4.2 Instrument
  4.3 Data Analysis
 5. Results
  5.1 Descriptive Statistics
 6. Discussion
  6.1 Conclusion and Future Implication


  • Aruna B. Bhat Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology
  • Santosh Rangnekar Associate Professor and Head, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology
  • Mukesh Kumar Barua Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Indian Institute of Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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