

지속가능한 지역사회 개발을 위한 의사소통모형 연구 : 사회과학과 인문학의 융합적 접근방법을 바탕으로


Studies on the Communication Model for Sustainable Community Development

이현주, 최현선, 오윤경

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Studies on the Communication Model for Sustainable Community Development Hyunjoo LEEㆍHyun-Sun CHOIㆍYoon-Kyung OH (aSSIST/Myongji Univ./Seoul Institute) This paper aims at establishing an interactive communication model through which all stakeholders of a community regain humanistic sense of community development process in order to form the community culture based on the co-understanding as well as the consensus built. The communication plan of a regional authority should be drawn up with bottom-up approach which includes all stakeholders as active participants of the policy making for the community development. The representative linguistic theories of communication, such as Jakobson's communication schema, Hymes' model of communication, Grice's maxim of cooperative conversation, interactionism, dialogism constitute the source of our communication model for sustainable community development. The newly proposed communication model for the community development is the fruit of transdisciplinary research which would reflect socio-cultural aspects of human interaction. Finally, the various communication practices carried out by Seodaemun-gu and by the Jeon-Ju Test-Bed Center for Urban Regeneration are analysed and evaluated on the basis of six principles of cooperative communication model.


1. 서론
  1.1. 지역사회 개발에서의 의사소통의 중요성
  1.2. 인문학 및 사회과학의 융합적 과제의 필요성
  1.3. 인문 언어학에서 소통 연구의 과제
 2. 지역사회 개발과 의사소통에 관한 선행연구: 소통, 갈등관리, 참여증대
  2.1. 소통에 기반을 둔 지역사회개발 모델 연구
  2.2. 지역사회개발에 따른 갈등의 관리 방안 연구
  2.3. 지역주민의 참여 증진을 위한 방안 연구
 3. 의사소통의 개념, 기능 및 의사소통 모델
  3.1. 의사소통의 개념 및 특징
  3.2. 지속가능한 지역사회 개발을 위한 의사소통 모델
 4. 의사소통 평가모델 예시 및 사례 분석
  4.1. 의사소통 평가모델 예시
  4.2. 서대문구의 대구민 소통정책 사례 분석
  4.3. 지역자력형 도시재생사업 전주 테스트베드의 의사소통 사례 분석
 5. 결론


  • 이현주 Hyunjoo LEE. 서울과학종합대학원
  • 최현선 Hyun-Sun CHOI. 명지대학교
  • 오윤경 Yoon-Kyung OH. 서울연구원


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