

≪경향잡지≫ 게재 천주교 미담(美談)의 전개 양상 및 가치


A Study of the Development and the Value of the ‘Praiseworthy Stories’ of Catholic Church in Kyeong Hyang Magazine


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A Study of the Development and the Value of the ‘Praiseworthy Stories’ of Catholic Church in Kyeong Hyang Magazine Yun-sun Kim (Korea University) This paper examines the development phases of the so-called "praiseworthy stories" published during the Patriotic Enlightenment Period, the Japanese colonial era up to 1950s (1900s~1950s), in Kyeong Hyang, an iconic magazine of Korean Catholicism. We will look into the relevant historical materials in an attempt to ascertain their historical values. The magazine is currently the journal of Bishop’s Meeting and also holds the title of the longest ‘running’ magazine in Korea. The stories were originally being published in the ‘serial novels’ column of a daily newspaper, Kyeong Hyang Newspaper. The column was placed in the front page as the novels contained in it were regarded as important writings that would enlighten people by making them aware of social problems. When the column was disconnected due to the censorship of the colonial government, the column changed to appear of in the above- mentioned Kyeong Hyang Magazine of Catholic church, now purporting to enlighten Catholic followers. In total 274 ‘praiseworthy stories’ were introduced over 231 times in the Kyeong Hyang Magazine from January 1911 through June 1957. The material gathered showed that the 1910s were the nascent period of the ‘praiseworthy stories.’ The ensuing 1920s were the period of development, 1930s the period of maturity, and 1940s the receding period. The period between 1928~1932 was its golden period. Writings touching on France appeared frequently, indicating the close relationship between the French and Korean Catholics. Kyeong Hyang introduced 11 ‘praiseworthy stories’ over 12 times by adding a column concerning 'the persecution era' for a period from January till May 1929. Those ‘praiseworthy stories’ depicted religious lives of martyrs of the Chosun Dynasty during the Byeongin period (1831) as well as the Catholic persecution. The Catholic ‘praiseworthy stories’ became the indigenous stories of the people of the dynasty. It lead to Eunwha, a story dealing with catholic persecution and martyrdom. ‘Praiseworthy stories’ are symbolic in that they denote the beginning of the Catholic literature in Korea and its repository of faith in God. The stories gave birth to various catholic narrative forms, one of which is the Catholic inculturation.


1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 2. 천주교 미담의 정의(定義)와 등장 배경
  (1) 천주교 미담의 정의(定義)
  (2) 천주교 미담의 등장 배경
 3. 천주교 미담의 전개양상
 4. 천주교 미담의 의의 및 남은 과제


  • 김윤선 Yun-sun Kim. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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