

G-, C-Banding 및 NORs 분포 양상에 따른 한국산 단모고양이(Felis catus)의 핵형분석


The G-, C-, and NOR-Banded Karyotypes of Korean Short-hair Cat(Felis catus)

조은정, 공일근, 손시환

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The karyotype of Korean short-hair cat was presented using the G-, C- and NOR- banding techniques. For chromosomes preparation, the fetus skin fibroblast cells were cultured and metaphases were obtained. In results, the Korean short-hair cat had 38 chromosomes with XX or XY, which consisted of 5 pairs of metacentric chromosomes(Group A and C), 3 pairs of submetacentric chromosomes (Group B), 6 pairs of medium metacentric chromosomes except for 1 pair of medium submetacentric D2 chromosomes (Group D, E), 2 pairs of acrocentric chromosomes(Group F) and metacentric X and Y sex chromosomes. In G-banding analysis, the Korean short-hair cat exhibited a typical and identical G-banding pattern in each homologous chromosome. Total number of bands and landmarks on the G-banded chromosomes of Korean short-hair cat well correspond to those of international standardization of karyotype of domestic cat. The heterochromatins of Korean short-hair cat chromosomes distributed at terminal and/or centromere regions on almost chromosomes by C-banding analysis. In addition, the C-banding pattern showed greatly heteromorphic in some chromosomes. Using the AgNOR-staining, we found the nucleolar organizer regions(NORs) of Korean short-hair cat located at chromosomes 1p12 site in E group. The quantity and number of NORs were constant among cells.


 재료 및 방법
  공시동물 및 공시 재료
  고양이 체세포배양 및 염색체 표본 제작
  G-Banding과 C-Banding
 결과 및 고찰
  고양이 염색체의 G-Banding과 핵형
  고양이 염색체의 Heterochromatins
  고양이 염색체의 NORs


  • 조은정 Eun Jung Cho. 경남과학기술대학교 동물생명과학과
  • 공일근 Il Keun Kong. 경상대학교 축산학과
  • 손시환 Sea Hwan Sohn. 경남과학기술대학교 동물생명과학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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