

Holstein 젖소의 비유단계 및 산유량이 번식성적에 미치는 영향


Effects of Lactation Stage and Milk Yield on Reproductive Performance in Holstein Dairy Cows

백광수, 손준규, 임현주, 윤호백, 이왕식, 김태일, 허태영, 최창용, 정영훈, 기광석, 권응기, 정연섭, 이현민

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aimed to improve the reproductive efficiency of dairy herds by comparison and analyzing estrous appearance rate, conception and non-conception rate according to the stage of lactation using the lactation and reproductive records of average (less than 10,000 liters milk in 305 days) and high yielding (more than 10,000 liters milk in 305 days) Holstein cows (n=102). Milk production and reproduction data were collected between January 2010 and December 2012 from Holstein cows kept in the commercial dairy farms. Average (n=32) and high yielding (n=24) Holstein cows used to analyze the relationship between milk yield and reproductive performance. Our results showed that estrous appearance rate according to the stage of lactation was 25.0% (30∼59d), 40.6% (60∼ 89d), 25% (90∼110d) and 9.4% (>111d) in average yielding cows and 16.7% (30∼59d), 20.8% (60∼89d), 12.5% (90 ∼110d) and 50.0% (>111d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Conception rate according to the stage of lactation was 87.5% (30∼59d), 61.5% (60∼ 89d), 75.0% (90∼110d) and 66.7% (>111d) in average yielding cows and 25.0% (30∼59d), 0% (60∼89d), 33.3% (90∼ 110d) and 50.0% (>111d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Days between parturition and conception was 23.7% (<149d), 0% (150∼209d) and 0% (>210 d) in average yielding cows and 69.0% (<149 d), 77.8% (150∼209d) and 38.9% (>210d) in high yielding cows, respectively. Conception rate from 110 days postpartum in high yielding cows was 41.7% (110∼150d), 50.0% (151∼180d) and 50.0% (>181d). Body condition score (BCS) in 120 days postpartum was 2.64±0.1 in average yielding cows and 2.28±0.1 in high yielding cows, respectively.


 재료 및 방법
 결과 및 고찰


  • 백광수 Kwang-Soo Baek. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 손준규 Jun-Kyu Son. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 임현주 Hyun-Joo Lim. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 윤호백 Ho-Beak Yoon. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 이왕식 Wang-Shik Lee. 제주대학교 생명공학부
  • 김태일 Tae-Il Kim. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 허태영 Tai-Young Hur. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 최창용 Chang-Yong Choe. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 정영훈 Young-Hun Jung. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 기광석 Kwang-Seok Ki. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 권응기 Eung-Gi Kwon. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 정연섭 Yeon-Sub Jung. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과
  • 이현민 Hyun-Min Lee. 농촌진흥청 국립축산과학원 축산자원개발부 낙농과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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