

Estimation of Inbreeding Levels and Its Effect on Growth Performances of Calves in Hanwoo and Chikso (Korea Brindle) Cattle Population



The objective of this study was to compare the effects of the levels of inbreeding on body weight traits between two breed populations, Hanwoo and Korea Brindle cattle. Birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), body weight at 6 months of age (W6) and yearling weight (YW). Records of 1,745 calves (1,513 from Hanwoo, and 232 from Korea Brindle calves) were collected from Livestock Research Institutes in Kangwon, Gyeongbuk and Chungbuk provinces. The least squares means (LSM) and their standard errors for BW, WW, W6 and YW were 25.4±0.1 kg, 81.0±1.8 kg, 146.1±3.7 kg and 291.5±2.4 kg, respectively in Hanwoo calves and 22.6±0.3 kg, 79.9±2.3 kg, 137.6±4.6 kg and 249.3±6.6 kg, respectively in Korea Brindle calves. Pedigree data showed that 14.8% (316 out of 2131) of Hanwoo was inbred and the average inbreeding coefficient was 0.0209 (2.09%). Inbreeding coefficients of ten calves out of 316 total inbred Hanwoo calves were 12.5% or higher, whereas those of the other 306 calves were less than 12.5%. In both breeds, calves were divided into three groups of inbreeding classes - highly inbred group(F≥ 0.125), lowly to medially inbred group(0


  Animals and Data
  Statistical Analyses


  • Yong-Soo Park Korea National College of Agriculture and Fisheries
  • Dae-Jin Jeong Gyeongsanbukdo Livestock Research Institute, Yeongju 750-871, Korea
  • Yun-Ho Choy National Institute of Animal Science
  • Tea-Jeong Choi National Institute of Animal Science
  • Chang-Woo Lee Kangwon Livestock Research Institute
  • Jae-Woun Choi Chung Cheong Buk-Do Institute of Livestock and Veterinary Research
  • Ji-Hong Lee Department of Animal Science, Gyeongbuk Provincial College


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