

화재로 인한 국가 중요 문화재 보호대책 연구


Fire due to an important national cultural protection measures research


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cultural assets of the country's history and cherish the living conditions of the people, conscious and cohesive crystals, and the pride of the hearts of the people as a haven. In the country worth preserving national treasure, bomulgeup, local cultural heritage as a major cultural property protection are. Cultural properties, etc. Most are wooden, is vulnerable to fire, and, moreover battling to far away from the city and due to the geographical conditions are very challenging aspects. The national cultural assets, such as the many temples, vows to fire one if the loss of a centuries-old cultural property is a big loss of national posterity to great shame is not. Still cultural assets and a large number of visitors have flocked temples. All of us to keep the look and feel of the cultural assets pleasure to conserve cultural assets preserved to ensure that fire prevention is always unmistakably bear in mind that sees.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 연구의 범위 및 방법
 2. 목조문화재 현황 및 관리실태 분석
  2.1 국가 중요 문화재 등 소실 현황
 3. 우리나라 국가 중요 문화재의 특성 분석
 4. 목조건축 문화재(사찰중심) 화재관리 현황
 5. 사찰화재의 원인
 6. 문화재 보호 및 진화체계 문제점
  6.1 중요문화재 보호측면
  6.2 산불진화 체계의 문제점
 7. 국가 중요문화재(목조)의 방염처리
  7.1 방염의 개념
  7.2 방염처리 대상 및 방법
  7.3 목조 문화재의 방염
  7.4 목조 문화재의 방염처리기술 현황 및 전망
 8. 재난․방재 기본시스템 구축
  8.1 중요문화재 주변에 스프링클러 설비 설치
  8.2 중요문화재내 소방시설 등 보강(의무설비보다는 권장설비로 추진)
  8.3 소방차 접근 불가지역 진입로 개설
  8.4 중요 문화재 주변 소방분소(출장소) 설치 또는 취약시기 전진배치
 9. 산불진화 관리체제의 합리적 개선
  9.1 산불진화 지휘체계의 합리적 운영
  9.2 산림행정 조직의 확대 운영
  9.3 지방자치단체 중심으로 산림자원 관리 행정조직이 신속 대응체계 운영
 10. 결론
 11. 참고문헌
  11.1 단행본
  11.2 논문
  11.3 인터넷
  11.4 기타


  • 이정일 Lee Jeong-il. 서울중부소방서(Seoul Jung-bu Fire Station)


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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