

사과의 지역별 물발자국 비교와 물 리스크 대응 - 충주와 거창 지역을 중심으로 -


Apple Water-Footprint Calculation and Water Risk Action

오영진, 박석하, 김홍재, 김제숭

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



According to 2012 OECD environmental report, Korea was ranked as the first country of water stress. Water footprint is a method to calculate water usage during the life cycle of a product from material procurement through production to disposal to recycle and to quantify the load to water resources. In water footprint calculation, water consumption unit is used. Agricultural water use is over 48% so it is urgent to mange that area Korea needs to spread the discussion about water footprint as quickly as possible, for the study to prevent social and environmental problems due to water shortage. This paper, through water footprint calculation and comparison in Chungju and Geochang areas, looks to counter measures for water risk, targeting domestically-produced apple.


 1. 서론
 2. 문헌연구
  2.1 탄소 발자국(Carbon footprint)
  2.2 물 발자국(Water footprint)
  2.3 물 발자국 평가구성
  2.4 탄소발자국과 물 발자국
  2.5 외국의 기후 변화에 따른 물관리 대응 동향[9]
 3. 사과 물발자국 계산
  3.1 물발자국 계산
  3.2 사과 물 발자국을 계산하는 방법
  3.3 충주시[11]
  3.4 거창군[12]
  3.5 충주사과와 거창사과 물발자국 비교
  3.6 물 발자국 지속가능성 평가
  3.7 물 발자국 대응 전략
 4. 결론
 5. 참고문헌


  • 오영진 Young-Jin Oh. 상지대학교
  • 박석하 Seog-Ha Park. (주)로지스파크닷컴
  • 김홍재 Hong-Jae Kim. 명지전문대학교
  • 김제숭 Chesoong Kim. 상지대학교 경영학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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