

1789년(정조 13) 永祐園에서 顯隆園으로의 遷園 절차와 의미


The “Cheon’weon”(遷園) process, from Yeong’wu-weon/永祐園 to Hyeon’ryungweon/ 顯隆園 in 1789, and its meaning

1789년(정조 13) 영우원에서 현륭원으로의 천원 절차와 의미


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In 1789, King Jeongjo moved Yeong’wu-weon(永祐園), the mausoleum of his father, who was the late Crown Prince Jang’heon(“Jang’heon Seja, 莊獻世子”), from its original location which was the Baebong-san(拜峯山) Mountain of the Gyeong’gi-do province’s Yangju(楊州) area, to a new location which was the Hwa-san(花山) Mountain of Su’weon. The new mausoleum for his father was entitled “Hyeon’ryung-weon(顯隆園).” And there were two reasons for the moving: Yeong’wu-weon was damaged and had to be repaired, and a new location for the late Crown Prince was arranged out of a hope for King Jeongjo to have a child. General process for the moving of a mausoleum was established for the first time inside 『Supplemental Version to the Dynasty’s Five Rituals(“Gukjo Sok-O-Rye’eui, 國朝續五禮儀”)』, which was published in 1744. From the opening of an old mausoleum(“Gye’weon, 啓園”) to the insertion of the coffin(“Jae’gung, 梓宮”) into the new mausoleum, all steps were observed, and with the Wu’je(虞祭) memorial service, the process was completed. Jeongjo tried to find a couple of meanings from his effort to move his father’s mausoleum. It was a huge triumph for him, as he wanted to build a platform for reinstating his father’s honor for a very long time, and also reinforce the ruling authority of himself.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 천릉, 천원에 대한 국가전례서 및 법전 규정
 Ⅲ. 천원의 배경
  1. 永陵의 전알
  2. 정조의 후사 문제
 Ⅳ. 천원 절차와 정치적 의미
  1. 천원의 경과와 절차
  2. 천원의 의미 : 장헌세자 복권의 단초
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 이현진 Lee, Hyeon-jin. 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 연구교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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