

태종 18년 開城 移御와 한양 還都의 정치사적 의미- 讓寧大君 세자 폐립과 세종 즉위과정에 대한 공간적 이해-


Taejong's Move to the Gaeseong/開城 city, and Subsequent Return to the Han'yang Capital: The Political Meaning of the Replacement of the Crown prince, and the Enthronement of King Sejong

태종 18년 개성 이어와 한양 환도의 정치사적 의미- 양녕대군 세자 폐립과 세종 즉위과정에 대한 공간적 이해-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



By replacing the Crown prince in the 18th year of King Taejong's reign, the symbolic nature of Yang'nyeong/讓寧大君's status, who was declared as Crown prince by the authority of the Founder King/太祖 Taejo and the authorization of the Chinese Ming(明) dynasty, was politically dismantled. This replacement was also an act of establishing a new line of succession of the throne, designed by King Taejong himself. Yet Yang'nyeong, the eldest(嫡長子) son of King Taejong, had already been the Crown prince for 14 years, and during that time maintained the image as a person to be the next king. From a political standpoint, it was not an easy task for Taejong to nullify that kind of position of his own son. So, in the 18th year of his reign, he temporarily moved himself(移御) to Gaeseong, separated the royal family from the governmental officials, and then called the Crown prince to Gaeseong, relieved him from the seat of the Crown prince, and declared his youngest son Chung'nyeong(later King Sejong), as the new Crown prince. Then he returned to Han'yang, and relinquished his throne to the newly installed Crown prince.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 開城 移御의 경위와 정치적 배경
  1. 開城 移御의 경위
  2. 世子의 정치적 고립과 廢立
 Ⅲ. 漢陽 還都의 경위와 정치적 배경
  1. 漢陽 還都의 경위
  2. 太宗의 傳位와 世子 朝見 회피
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 윤정 Yoon, Jeong. 진주교육대학교 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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