

An IP-related Morphological Developmental Sequence


Yong-Myeong Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Yong-Myeong. 2013. An IP-related Morphological Developmental Sequence (IMDS). Korean Journal of Linguistics, 38-3, 547-567. The purpose of this study is to explore our research question: How can we capture the degrees of morphological complexity in IP-related structures by what mechanism? As a possible answer to this question, it proposes an IP-related morphological developmental sequence (IMDS) in terms of the associations of the unificational mechanism (UM) (Kim, 2006b) and the Split-IP hypothesis (Haegeman & Guéron, 1999) and the Split-AuxP hypothesis (Radford, 2004). The IMDS follows an implicational scale of Underspecified IP—(ModP—AuxP*)—TP—AgrP—ForP stage, on each stage of which the uniqueness condition (UC) applies to the domain of the [UIP...], the [ModP…], the [AuxP…], the [TP...], the [AgrP...], and the [ForP…] sequentially in terms of the UM, on each domain of which feature unification takes place, and hence modal systems, aspect systems, and aux systems are realized by interacting the locality condition (LC) with the Split-IP and the Split-AuxP hypothesis. Finally, it shows that feature unification processes on each stage of the IMDS will be examined on the interlanguage data from sequence-based SLA research by drawing on morphological gaps between the triggering force and the triggering cue. (Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation)


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Feature Unification and the Uniqueness Condition (UC)
  2.2 Morphological Developmental Sequence (MDS)
 3. Morphological Developmental Sequence of IP (IMDS)
 4. Morphological Developmental Stages of IP
  4.1. The Single IP Stages
  4.2. The Double IP Stages
  4.3. The Multiple IP Stages
  4.4. Summary of IP-related Morphological Developmental Stages
 5. Conclusions and Implications


  • Yong-Myeong Kim Korea Institute for Curriculum and Evaluation


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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