

IJASC 13-1-1

Remote Monitoring of Patients and Emergency Notification System for U-Healthcare



This study proposes a remote monitoring of patients and emergency notification system with a camera and pulse wave sensor for U-Healthcare. The proposed system is a server client model based U-Healthcare system which consists of wireless clients that have micro-controller, embedded-board for patient status monitoring and a remote management server. The remote management server observes the change of pulse wave data individually in real-time sent from the clients that is to be remote-monitored based on the pulse wave data stored by users and divides them into caution section and emergency section. When the pulse wave data of a user enters an emergency situation, the administrator can make a decision based on the real-time image information and pulse rate variability. When the status of the monitored patient enters the emergency section, the proposed U- healthcare system notifies the administrator and relevant institutions. An experiment was conducted to demonstrate the pulse wave recognition of the proposed system.


 2. Trend and Cases of U-Healthcare


  • Jun Lee Dept. of Intelligent Robot Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea
  • Hyun-Se Jang Dept. of Intelligent Robot Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea
  • Tae-Kyu Yang Dept. of Intelligent Robot Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea
  • Yong-Ho Seo Dept. of Intelligent Robot Engineering, Mokwon University, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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