

게임물 이용금액 제한의 법률 문제


The Study on the Limitation of Accout in Game


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



We advocate the principles of the Constitution and is a nation of culture. As a result, all the people have the right to enjoy culture has been granted freely and equally. This is in the form of cultural autonomy that would guarantee. To deny this, to deny the constitutional values th at have no difference. In the game, however, at least two of these values is being denied is self-evident. Then look at the game time does the two became popularly? Regulatory policies on these questions about the game and the reason that it will view. The origin of game regulations that will, among other things, Game Rating Classification. But never the meaning of the classification system is not negative. In other words, Game software for the hearing to proceed in the process of classification for a substantial review of the Game software through a variety of information, and the information provided to users of this role is because available at the time of classification issued by account per social security number and billing information is available about the limit. Payment limit based on the game that you can find in the law in the sense that beyond the limits of delegated legislation, including criticism that is raised. Game software is also limited by the other cultural industries, cultural content related laws do not exist in the culture of regulation by the government thinks is good example. Culture of our country which professes national constitutional principles Game software for the typical culture in value can be regulated for the payment limit will be discussed.


 1. 서론
 2. 게임법과 결제한도
  2.1 결제한도의 의의
  2.2 법적 근거
 3. 게임법상 결제한도 규정의 의미
  3.1 웹보드 게임물 규제 일반
  3.2 한도규제의 취지 및 그 내용
  3.3 규제 내용 및 방식에 대한 비판
 4. 결제한도 규정의 위법성 검토
  4.1 웹보드 게임물의 위법성 여부
  4.2 기본권의 제한에 대한 검토
  4.3 게임법 제28조 제8호의 근거 규정성
  4.4. 영업질서 위반인지 여부
  4.5 게임법과의 출동
 5. 결제한도 규제의 문화산업적 문제
  5.1 게임산업내 형평성 문제
  5.2 문화산업간 형평성 문제
  5.3 불법도박으로의 풍선효과 우려
  5.4 자율규제 취지의 후퇴 가능성
  5.5 문화국가원리와의 충돌
 6. 결론


  • 김윤명 Yun Myung Kim. (사)한국디지털재산법학회 이사, 경희대학교 국제법무대학원 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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