

Adsorption Characteristics of Al (III), Ni (II), Sm (III) Ions on Resin with Styrene Hazardous Material in Reinforcement Water Fire Extinguishing Agent


Joon-Tae Kim

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The ion exchange resins were synthesized from 1-aza-18-crown-6 macrocyclic ligand attached to styrene (2th petroleum in 4th class hazardous material) divinylbenzene (DVB) copolymer with crosslinks of 1%, 6%, and 15% by substitution reaction. These synthetic resins were confirmed by chlorine content, elementary analysis, surface area, and IR-spectrum. The object of this study was to seperate the metal ion absorbed in reinforcement water fire extinguishing agent. As the results of the effects of pH, equilibrium arrival time, and crosslink of synthetic resin on metal ion adsorption for resin adsorbent, the metal ions were showed high adsorption at pH 3 or over and adsorption equilibrium of metal ions was about 2 hours. In addition, adsorption selectivity for the resin in water was the order of Al (III) > Ni (II) > Sm (III) ions, adsorbability of the metal ions was in the crosslinks order of 1%, 6%, and 15%.


 1. Introduction
 2. Experimental Section
  2.1. Materials
  2.2. Synthesis of Styrene-DVB Copolymer
  2.3. Chlorination of Copolymer
  2.4. Function Reaction of Copolymer
  2.5. Experimental Method
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1. Confirmation of Resin
  3.2. Effects of pH
  3.3. Effects of Equilibrium Arrival Time
  3.4. Effects of Resin Crosslink
 4. Conclusion


  • Joon-Tae Kim Department of Herb Material Industry, Dongshin University, Naju


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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