

사회복지조직의 조직동형화와 조직성장에 관한 연구 : 사회복지사업법을 중심으로


Institutional Environment and Organizational Growth of Social Welfare Organization


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Actually most welfare organizations for the elderly in community have a similar organization structure, organizational strategy, and even, organizational behavior. Therefore, I am focusing on analysis of why the organizational strategies and structures in organizations have being become quite similar among organizations, as times go by in Korea. This approach will be evaluate an appropriate research compared with organization culture studies, because it do research not in the cross-sectional study but in the longitudinal study. In detail, I am going to analyze what social welfare administration Act is changed by times, and then I applied organizational development as a life cycle of how organizational growth was shown up. Therefore, I analyzed organizational strategies and structures in organizations and types of organizational isomorphism under the Social Welfare Administration Act like as institutional environment and summarized how these factors was influenced by an institutional environment through four steps according to organizational life cycle, for examples, ideas stage, startup stage, growth stage, and maturation stage. Finally I pointed out what type our organizational isomorphism bas been from 1970 to 2012.


 I. 서론
 II. 조직동형화와 조직성장에 관한 이론적 배경
  1. 제도적 환경과 조직 동형화
  2. 조직성장의 생명주기모델
  3. 연구의 개념적 틀
 III. 우리나라 사회복지사업법의 변화과정
  1. 우리나라 사회복지사업법의 내용 변화
  2. 구제도(old institution)
  3. 신제도(new institution)
 IV. 사회복지조직의 생명주기 분석
  1. 제1단계: 조직의 아이디어 단계(1970년-1982년)
  2. 제2단계: 조직의 탄생단계(1983년-1994년)
  3. 제3단계: 조직의 성장단계(1995년-2002년)
  4. 제4단계: 조직의 성숙단계(2003년 - 현재)
 Ⅴ. 결론


  • 박광덕 Kwang-Duck Park. 세명대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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