

対談に見る司馬遼太郎(3) - 対談集『歴史を考える』と『日本人の顔』を中心に-


A study on RyotaroShiba through the dialogue (3) - Focusing on 『Think about the history』&『The Japanese face』-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



I had mentioned“The Era‐subdivision” as one of the features of Mr.Shiba'sthe historical viewpoint in the previous studies. It had been named by myself as a measure of analysis aboutso‐called “Bright Meiji and dark Showa”thatissaid the symbolic expression of“The historic viewpoint of Shiba”. As you can see from the summary datahe had finely divided‘History’, ‘Politics’ and ‘Era’into‘Another incident’, ‘Different person’ and ‘Different time’ with his pointin addition to “Bright Meiji, dark Showa”. After all, I thought that he had been recognizing history as a ‘Point’ and ‘Verticalrelationship’ not as a ‘Line’and ‘Side of the plane relationship’. Therefore, there were only ‘Heroes’ and ‘Winners’ not‘Common people’. And, it can be said if how much he was longing to the ‘Origin of dignified ferocious Samurai’ and even ifpreferred the ‘Modest sober common people", as a result, it had fallen to a contradiction that could notbe compatible. In politics and history, even if he had had to raise the issue on the basis of objective judgment, there is little suggestion of a new idea or solution.However, I think that it must be highly appreciated of whichhe had practiced himself on proposing the ‘Land deposit system’by calling for the seriousness of the land‐problem in capitalism. As a result, it must be said that he was neither a historian nor a thinker, only a mere ‘Historical novelist’ who was an ‘Excellent documentary writer familiar with the history’. In reality recognition, it is believed that he was a ‘Pessimistic propensity idealist’judging from the expression of ‘Human’, ‘Culture’, ‘Buddhism’ and ‘Land and rice’. It can be said that has deeply involved with his viewpoint of history something like an ‘Impermanence view of Buddhism’ as himself alluding in his expressions. As so, he had feltpessimistic view of impermanence even for the heroes and history and he might be always looked forward to a new hero. Finally, it is said that Japanese people have been recognizedthe hero in his works as a new person in it, not the person in the history. I think such a trend should be studied through other analysis with the work‐theory.




1. はじめに
 2. 論者の先行研究資料 - 対談集研究(1)、(2)の司馬氏の表現
 3. 『歷史を考える』
  3.1 日本人よ“侍”に還れ <司馬遼太郎×萩原延壽>
  3.2 日本宰相論 <司馬遼太郎×山崎正和>
  3.3 敗者の風景 <司馬遼太郎×綱淵謙錠>
  3.4 日本人の世界構想 <司馬遼太郎×山崎正和>
 4. 『日本人の顔』
  4.1 古代の朝鮮と日本 <司馬遼太郎×李進熙>
  4.2 薩摩焼と鉄とアジア <司馬遼太郎×沈寿官>
 5. 司馬氏の表現まとめ
 6. おわりに


  • 全彰煥 전창환. 九州情報大学 経営情報学科 准教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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