

選挙広告文におけるレトリック表現の様相 ‒ 省略法と反復法を中心に ‒


Aspect of the rhetoric expression in the election advertisement ‒ Focused on ellipsis and repetition ‒

權益湖, 北沢昭彦

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This report focused on ellipsis and repetition as the rhetoric expression that a head line on the web site of the national election candidate. The ellipsis of the particle was carried out to breed a spoken language-like sense of closeness. Termination with a substantive is able to confirm what was used to avoid expression of the feebleness when imposition to appear in the end of a sentence. In addition, that leave room interpreting a head line in the viewpoint of the addressee by omitting a predicate part, and showing the attitude of mind of the sender. Repetition is used as rhetoric to let people memorize it. Repetition at the end of a phrase and the sentence is used many for the repetition of the word with the meaning and sounds. The repetition at the end of a phrase and the sentence shows the above-mentioned repetition and hardly appears in anaphora. And the repetition of the sentence pattern does not have many numbers, but is used as a strategy to strengthen the persuasive power of the head line. Repetition of the holophrase is used to convey much information in limited expression space.




1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
 3. 調査の対象と方法
 4. 調査結果
  4.1 省略法
  4.2 反復法
 5. おわりに


  • 權益湖 권익호. 中央大学校教授、日本語学
  • 北沢昭彦 嘉泉大学MEDICAL CAMPUS講師, 日本語学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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