

일반 논문

중국 신시기 소설과 한국 전후 소설 비교 - 인물의 현실대응 비교를 중심으로 -


The comparison of the Korean Postwar novels with Chinese ones in the New Period after the Cultural Revolution - Centering on the characters’ reactions to their living situations

이동배, 리국화

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The comparison of the Korean Postwar novels with Chinese ones in the New Period after the Cultural Revolution - Centering on the characters’ reactions to their living situations Dong Bae Lee․Juhua Li This paper analyses the 8 novel texts written in the periods after the Korean War in South Korea and after the Cultural Revolution in China by using the parallel research method on themes, comparing the Korean novels with Chinese ones. This study investigates the similarities and differences in terms of the characters’ reaction to their living situation and the main characteristics are as follows: Firstly, both Chinese and South Korean novels depict the hard lives of the characters and they criticise their tragic life experiences. Secondly, under the influence of the War and the Revolution, and the existing irrational realities, the novels exhibit the characters who try to overcome these life struggles under self-consciousness. Thirdly, Chinese novels portray socialism which directly deny anti-feudalism, anti-fascism and anti-capitalism which appeared in Sainbang, Yet Korean novels represent indirectly post ideological perspectives which is based on humanity, pro-Americanism, and its critical attitude, though they are not really far from anti-communism. Fourthly, the Chinese novels blame the assailants, and display the dictatorship of Sainbang, while the assailants are not described clearly in Korean novels. These differences seem to be outcomes of the two countries literatures’ different methods of healing the wounds caused by the tragic history from different time periods. Although the ways of healing seem different, both novels have understood the situations and responded to them.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 가치 상실 및 사회적 부적응
  1. 동심의 파괴
  2. 사회적 모순에 방황
 Ⅲ. 사회 현실에 대한 실존적 자각 및 저항
  1. 자아 찾기
  2. 개인적 저항 의식
 Ⅳ. 맺음말


  • 이동배 Dong Bae Lee. 퀸즈랜드대학교
  • 리국화 Juhua Li. 옌타이대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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