

A Reconsideration of Asymmetrical English Coordination


Eun-Kyeong Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Lee, Eun-Kyeong. “A Reconsideration of Asymmetrical English Coordination.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 39.3 (2013): 169-187. This paper sheds new light on how to explain the coordination asymmetry contingent on various syntactic standards. It is argued that the mirror-imaged coordination structure by building up the two separate criteria is accordingly driven: One is for binding, possessive with extraposition, substitution and insertion and the other is for Case, subcategorization and agreement. It follows in the flexible manner that while coordinator & is paired as one unit with the first conjunct for some occasions, coordinator & is combined with the second one for others. Thus, I propose that the former is under strong influence from head (T,V,P)'s locality and the latter is involved with the parametric conditions. Consequently, it is a reflection that the first-pair unit can be another potential configuration of the second-pair unit, which is caused by the head & parameter. (Chonbuk National University)


 1. Introduction
 2. Second-Pair Unit (& Second Conjunct)
  2.1. Binding and Possessive
  2.2. Rhythm and Extraposition
  2.3. Insertion of and and Substitution
 3. First-Pair Unit (& first Conjunct)
  3.1. Local Case Checking
  3.2. C-Selection Priority
  3.3. Partial Agreement of VS order
 4. My Proposal
  4.1. Asymmetry and Head
  4.2. Mirror Image
 5. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Eun-Kyeong Lee Chonbuk National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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