

The Reason why Ku 'he' cannot be A'-dependent : An Agree-based Approach


Nam-Kil Kang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kang, Nam-Kil. “The Reason why Ku 'he' cannot be A'-dependent: An Agree-based Approach.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 39.3 (2013): 109-130. The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide an agree-based analysis of why the Korean singular pronoun ku 'he' is not interpreted as a variable bound by every-type quantifiers. This paper has attempted to show how the anti-variable binding of the so-called overt pronoun ku 'he' is accounted for within the conception of the agree-based approach without recourse to Binding Condition B. The fact that the Korean singular pronoun ku 'he' is not licensed by every-type quantifiers need not to be stipulated. It simply follows from the fact that if the overt pronoun ku 'he' which is singular does not agree in number with its antecedent, it cannot get its reference (R-feature) from its antecedent. With respect to the treatment of binding within the agree-based approach, one major point that is worth emphasizing is that the anti-variable binding of ku 'he' falls on our Reference Agreement Principle based on agree which requires the singular pronoun ku 'he' to be linked to its singular antecedent. More specifically, it is hypothesized in this paper that ku 'he' cannot be interpreted as a bound variable due to the number disagreement between every-type quantifiers and the singular dependent term ku 'he'. This hypothesis rests on the assumption that since every-type quantifiers in Korean involve a group of people, it is semantically plural, but ku 'he' is a singular NP whose referent must consist of a single entity. Finally, this paper provides several pieces of empirical evidence which entertains the hypothesis that the overt pronoun ku 'he' which is singular must agree in number with its antecedent. (Far East University)


 I. Introduction
 II. Feature Agreement
 III. An Agree-based Approach's Advantages over the Binding Theory
 IV. The Reason why Ku 'he' cannot be A'-dependent (Proposals)
 V. Supporting Evidence (Proposals)
 VI. Conclusion
 Works Cited


  • Nam-Kil Kang Far East University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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