

상호의존성으로 로렌스의 『아들들과 연인들』읽기


“Toward Dependent Co-Arising in the Perspective of the Buddhist Teaching : D. H. Lawrence’ Sons and Lovers.”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Kim, Sun Kyung. “Toward Dependent Co-Arising in the Perspective of the Buddhist Teaching: D. H. Lawrence’ Sons and Lovers.” Studies in English Language & Literature. 39.3 (2013): 1-23. Sons and Lovers is one of Lawrence' early novels, which depicts the protagonist Paul's childhood and youth. In this novel, Morel(Paul's mother) suffers from a class conflict against her husband. Morel's repressed desire for love influences Paul's personality-formation in such a negative way that he only fails to love Miriam and Clara. The cause of this failure has been explained by many readers who depend on Freud's Oedipus complex. However, no one attempted to read this novel in the perspective of the dependent Co-Arising in the Buddhist Teaching. This paper aims to illuminate human relationships in the novel, having recourse to the Dependent Co-Arising. In Lawrence's SL, the problem of class continues a thematic subject more devastating than any other elements. Employing the Buddhist principle of dependent co-arising, this essay re-examines the concept of ideal love and human relationship. And the distorted human-relationship results in failing to gain its successful relationship. SL is about a process of Paul's disillusionment at the polarity and his galling struggle to attain a holistic world view. (Suncheon First University)


 I. 서론
 II. 『아들들과 연인들』에 나타난계급갈등 양상과 등장인물들 상호간의 인식차이
 III. 결론


  • 김선경 Kim, Sun Kyung. 순천제일대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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