

의료분쟁조정법 시행에 따른 성과와 과제


The Outcomes and Tasks of Act on Medical Dispute Mediation


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



After several bills for the reasonable medical dispute resolution had been proposed for over twenty years, “Act on Remedy for Damage from Medical Accident and Medical Dispute Mediation” was eventually enacted on April 7, 2011 and came into effect from April 8, 2012. This study evaluates the achievements and results of the past year, suggesting the future improvements or tasks. The main issue of Act on Medical Dispute Mediation is Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. Therefore, the success of the Act depends on the outcomes of Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency. Although the Act has been enforced for only one year, this paper examines the outcomes of the Agency with limited materials for its development. Korea Medical Dispute Mediation and Arbitration Agency was established for rapid, fair, and effective medical dispute resolution. Thus, the evaluation of the performances of the Agency is based on the 1) rapidness, 2) fairness, and 3) effectiveness of the dispute resolution. To sum up, the system earned positive evaluations as for the rapidness and fairness, but some problems were indicated with regard to the effectiveness. As the system of medical dispute mediation and arbitration in Korea has no parallel in the world, other countries show many interests in it. The rapid and fair medical dispute resolution is of benefit in both patients and medical institutes and decreases social costs. As the Act had a difficult passage through Parliament, it should be maintained and improved continuously.


I. 시작하며
  1. 의료분쟁조정법 제정 배경과 목적
  2. 의료분쟁조정법의 핵심 : 의료분쟁조정중재원
 II. 조정중재원의 조직과 업무 등
  1. 조직과 운영
  2. 업무
  3. 의료분쟁조정절차
 III. 조정중재원 1년 (2012. 4. 9. ~ 2013. 3. 31.) 동안의 성과
  1. 의료분쟁 상담
  2. 의료분쟁 조정ㆍ중재
  3. 기타 업무
 IV. 조정중재원 1년 업무 수행에 대한 평가
  1. 평가의 기준
  2. 분쟁이 신속하게 해결되었는가?
  3. 분쟁이 공정하게 해결되었는가?
  4. 분쟁해결이 효율적이었나?
 V. 의료분쟁 조정절차에 있어서 향후 과제
  1. 참여율 제고
  2. 신속한 분쟁 해결을 위하여
  3. 효율적인 권리구제를 위하여
  4. 전문 감정기관으로서의 기능과 역할 강화
 VI. 글을 마치며


  • 현두륜 Hyun, Doo-Yoon. 법무법인 세승 대표변호사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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