There are two tree frog species of genus Hyla in Korea: H. japonica and H. suweonensis. Hyla suweonensis, is an endemic species and is designated as an endangered species I in 2012 by the Korean Ministry of Environment. Hyla suweonensis populations are decreasing rapidly due to habitat destruction and human activities. To maintain the biodiversity in South Korea, a strategic conservation plan is urgently needed. The purposes of this study were to investigate the genetic diversity of H. suweonensis and to provide basal genetic information, using mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) gene and cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene analyses. Also, we examined intraspecific genetic diversity of H. japonica and genetic divergence between H. suweonensis and H. japonica. We used samples from South and North Korea, Russia, and Japan. Partial sequences of cyt b (926 bp) and COI (534 bp) genes were obtained from 68 H. suweonensis and 271 H. japonica individuals. Hyla suweonensis was also identified in North Korea using molecular data. Most populations of two species had unique haplotypes with few nucleotide substitutions in both genes. Mean nucleotide diversity (π) of H. suweonensis was relatively lower than that of H. japonica for both genes. The average sequence divergence of combined cyt b and COI genes among Korean H. suweonensis and H. japonica populations were 0.002 and 0.009, respectively. The mean sequence divergence between H. suweonensis and H. japonica was 0.137, indicating genetic differentiation occured approximately 7 million years ago, based on 2% divergence rate per million year.
Materials and Methods
1. Sample Collection
2. DNA extraction, PCR amplification, and Mitochondrial DNA sequencing
3. Data Analysis
Results and Discussion
1. Mitochondrial markers
2. Genetic diversity and genetic differentiation
3. Implications for conservation of Hyla suweonensis