

한중 번역 출판사의 통시적 고찰


Overview of the publication history of translation of Korean books into Chinese.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Based on the Overseas Publication Information Access by the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, this paper examined the publication trends and the characteristics of varying genres by dividing the periods into decades from the 1930s to 2013. The result of the examination showed: between the 1950s, when books translated Korean into Chinese began to publish in earnest, and the 1990s, ideology, politics, and diplomatic concerns served as primary influential factors in the total quantity and genres of publications; in the 2000s, the Korean Wave and the adoption of free market principles into the Chinese book publishing industry contributed to the explosive increase in the total number of publications, particularly in popular novels; in the mid and late 2000s, a considerable increase was detected in the publication of serious literature books translated into Chinese, sponsored by Korean institutions, including the Literature Translation Institute of Korea, and the genres of publications were diversified in response to the varying demands of Chinese readers.


 I. 서론
  1. 연구배경
  2. 연구방법
 II. 연대별 중어 번역 출판 개관
  1. 1950년대-중국의 북한문학 번역 출판 전성기
  2. 1960년대-문화대혁명으로 촉발된 번역 출판 위축
  3. 1970년대-대만에서 싹을 틔운 한국문학의 번역 출판
  4. 1980년대-중국의 한국도서 번역 출판 본격화
  5. 1990년대-중·대만과의 외교관계에 따라 달라진 번역 출판 양상
  6. 2000년대-번역 출판의 양적 팽창과 장르의 다양화
  7. 2010년대 초반-번역 출판의 양적 및 질적 발전 가속화
 III. 장르별 중어 번역 출판 개관
  1. 현대/시
  2. 현대/소설
  3. 아동 도서
  4. 인문·사회
  5. 기타
 IV. 결론


  • 장애리 Chang, Ai-Li.. 이화여자대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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