

The Configuration of Fruit State Monitoring System Using the RFID System



Fruit have a variety of vitamins and has the most vitamin C, and so we can know the status of the fruit to the loss of the vitamin C. There are a lot of factors that the loss of the vitamin C, but it is highly dependent on temperature. Therefore, monitoring temperature variability during transport and storage is very important. In this paper, we propose the fruit state monitoring system using the RFID system. The proposed system consists of server, RFID reader, RFID tag, sensor interface, temperature sensor. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed system, we performed experiments on the strawberry juice. Strawberry may be considered among the fruit most rich in Vitamin C. The temperature is taken by the sensor and reported through MFC software. Fruit state monitoring was divided into the 5 grade. The experimental results show that was confirmed the performance of the fruit state monitoring system.


 1. Introduction
 2. Proposed Fruit State Monitoring System
  2.1. System Overview
  2.2. Built Sensor Tags and RFID Reader
  2.3. Kinetic Modeling Method
  2.4. MFC Interface Design
 3. Experiment and Discussion
 4. Conclusion


  • Ki Hwan Eom Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Korea Electronic Technology Institute, Seoil University
  • Nghia Truong Van Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Korea Electronic Technology Institute, Seoil University
  • Lin Sen Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Korea Electronic Technology Institute, Seoil University
  • Kyung Kwon Jung Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Korea Electronic Technology Institute, Seoil University
  • Joo Woong Kim Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Dongguk University, Seoul, Korea Korea Electronic Technology Institute, Seoil University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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