

Analysis of Insider Access Pattern for Monitoring Misuse in the DCD



In this paper, we analyzed insider access pattern to documents for monitoring insider misuse in the document control domain (DCD). We optimized insider access pattern to documents using apriori algorithm adding time and click ratio. Insiders have typical access patterns among related documents when performing their duties. When insider misuse occurs in the DCD, it can be detected by the typical access pattern of insider. We added time and click ratio to apriori algorithm for improving the accuracy of insider access patterns. Time means the activation time of the document. Click ratio represents the frequency of click change within the document. The proposed algorithm can remove access patterns with the low reliability and reduce the false detection rate when detecting insider misuse.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1. Insider Threats
  2.2. Apriori Algorithm
 3. The Proposed Algorithm
  3.1. Time and Click ratio based Apriori Algorithm
  3.2. Application of Proposed Algorithm
 4. Conclusion


  • Jung ho Eom Military Studies, Daejeon University, 62 Daehakro, Dong-Gu, Daejeon
  • Sung hwan Kim Internet Management Technology Laboratory, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Chunchun-dong 300,
  • Tai Myoung Chung Internet Management Technology Laboratory, School of Information and Communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, Chunchun-dong 300,


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