

Establishment of the ASEAN DB by Facilitating Multicultural Human Resources



This study aims to help business community understand other cultures by utilizing the database. Particularly, the comprehensive information on the member states of ASEAN, which should be perceive as Blue Oceans, will be used for the companies to survive the global competition. In the midst of the global business arena, cultural literacy plays a very important role in expanding business overseas. That is, companies’ international management is in an inseparable relation with their competence in cultural understanding. In this regard, the DB will enable the businesses to have multicultural understanding, which is essential to resolve the problems resulted from cultural differences. Also, it will strengthen national competitiveness in the long run.


 1. Introduction
 2. Status of Trading with the ASEAN Countries
 3. Human Resources and Human Resource Development
  3.1. The Concept of Human Resources
  3.2. Status of the Establishment of a Foreign-Related Database
 4. Establishment of the DB by Nation: Vietnam
 5. Conclusion


  • Jin-Young Kim Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Dept. of Cultural Contents, 107 Imun-ro, Seoul, Korea
  • Jae Yeong Lee Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Dept. of Cultural Contents, 107 Imun-ro, Seoul, Korea


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