

Six Human Factors to Acceptability of Wearable Computers



Social acceptance of wearable computers is an important issue that has attracted interest since the emergence of the technology, as acceptance is the first step to successful diffusion. The user’s acceptance of a wearable technology is significantly affected by technological and human factors. Since the influence of technological factors is as crucial to acceptance as human factors, we opted to focus on the target of all technologies, the end user. The present paper reviewed research focusing on the user and variables that influenced the acceptance or rejection of wearable computers. We identified and evaluated six human factors that play a key role in the acceptance of technology: fundamental needs, cognitive activity, physical aspect, social aspect, demographic characteristic and technical experience. Our aim was to help researchers, device designers, and developers evaluate the acceptability and usability of their devices.


 1. Introduction
 2. Background: Wearable Computers
 3. Six Human Factors
  3.1. Fundamental needs
  3.2. Cognitive Attitude
  3.3. Social Aspect
  3.4. Physical Aspect
  3.5. Demographic Characteristics
  3.6. Technical Experience
 4. Summary and discussion
 5. Conclusion


  • Cherrylyn Buenaflor Department of Computer Engineering/UHRC, Inje University
  • Hee-Cheol Kim Department of Computer Engineering/UHRC, Inje University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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