

Intelligent Detecting Risk based on Privacy in Cloud Computing Environments



Cloud computing has been activated as a means of reducing costs and the effective utilization of IT infrastructure. Despite these changes, Service providers focus almost exclusively on the issues offering service availability without ensuring data privacy. The purpose of this paper is to analyze privacy threats in cloud computing and protect mobile user’s personal information against from increasing privacy infringement attacks. So we suggested that privacy risk detection mechanism is the most appropriate means of protecting data privacy in cloud computing. The IDRP(Intelligent Detecting Risk based on Privacy) model is composed of these five mechanisms: 1) Information Verified Mechanism, 2) Path Checked Mechanism, 3) Malicious Coding Detecting Mechanism, 4) Semantic Analyzing Mechanism, and 5) Notice and Alert. With these security functions, the IDRP model will be an essential system to detect privacy-related threats and minimize them in cloud computing.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Works
  2.1 Security Threats of Cloud Computing
  2.2 Privacy Life Cycle in Threats
 3. Motivation
 4. Intelligent Detecting Risk based on Privacy in Cloud Computing Environments
  4.1 Information Verified Mechanism
  4.2 Path Checked Mechanism
  4.3 Malicious Coding Detecting Mechanism
  4.4 Semantic Analyzing Mechanism
  4.5 Notice and Alert Mechanism
 5. Prototype implementation
  5.1 Algorithm
  5.2 Prototype
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Saeromi Yang Department of Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University
  • Yeonwoo Lee Department of Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University
  • Seng-phil Hong Department of Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University
  • Sang-Yep Nam Department of Electrical Engineering, Kukje University


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