

A Consolidated Authentication Model in Cloud Computing Environments



Due to increasing needs of Internet access through smart phones and smart pads, it is essential to have service provider systems, which allows to access services through a variety of devices. In particular, this system is required to protect credential and personal information saved in each device, is need a more efficient and secure consolidated authentication model (CAM) in order to authenticate a user and devices. This paper analyzes the current user authentication model for both user and device authentication and securely available credential (SACRED) standards. Furthermore, it is also our intention to design N-screen based consolidated user authentication model that meets framework and protocol requirement of credentials and privacy protection requirements in a cloud computing environments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Related Work
  2.1. Security issue for clouds and M2M
  2.2. Current user authentication model
  2.3. Securely available credentials
 3. Consolidated Authentication Model (CAM)
  3.1. Overview
  3.2. Framework architecture
  3.3. Secure credentials design
  3.4. Protocol framework
 4. Prototyping
  4.1. Implementation
  4.2. Simulation
 5. Comparison and verification
 6. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Jaejung Kim Department of Computer Science, Sungshin University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea
  • Seng-phil Hong Department of Computer Science, Sungshin University, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea


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