

Method to Reliable Interactive Broadcasting Architecture in Convergence Environment



Owing to the convergence of broadcasting and communication, spread of smart devices, and formation of environments for new media channels, we now face a new paradigm in which wired- and wireless-network-centered content is shared openly. With increasing services that enable the use of real-time broadcasting and content via PCs, smart TVs, and smart phones, users are demanding one-source multi-use (OSMU) services that allow them to use the same content anywhere at any time regardless of device. However, there are difficulties in resolving technical and compatibility issues of smart devices based on different platforms. In addition, there are limitations to developing a reliable certification system for using content freely with heterogeneous devices. This paper suggests a reliable interactive contents delivery system (RICDS) architecture for effectively transmitting and managing OSMU services by using heterogeneous devices in a convergence environment. We also devise a prototype RICDS that is feasible in real system environments.


 1. Introduction
 2. Case Study - Status of Smart Mobile Platform in Korea
 3. Problem Statement
 4. Reliable Interactive Contents Delivery System
 5. Prototype and Implementation
  5.1. Algorithm
  5.2. Implementation
 6. Performance Comparison and Analysis
  6.1. Performance and Stress Test
 7. Expected Advantages
 8. Conclusion and Future Work


  • Hyun-mi Jang Dept.of Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
  • Seng-phil Hong Dept.of Computer Science, Sungshin Women’s University, Seoul, Korea


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